Why Drink Organic Coffee?
Many people are aware that our food is injected, processed and altered. Most of us know that our daily food consumption includes many suspected cancer causing additives. We are poisoning ourselves and our environment. It’s also common to have things added to our coffee, that aren’t coffee beans. Did you know up to 30% of most ground coffee, isn’t coffee at all? When coffee is mechanically picked the machines don’t pick just the ripe cherries, they pick unripened fruit, they strip leaves and bark, even branches and dirt find their way in. There are some companies that add things like roasted chic peas as filler. It’s almost impossible to see it in ground coffee – but the taste?…. well it’s no wonder you need to drink your coffee with cream and sugar!
For those of you who wonder – and I get this question all the time – organic coffee is pure coffee – it isn’t weak and flavourless – in fact if you really love strong coffee without the nasty bitterness that some coffee has, this may just be what you are looking for. You can make this coffee really strong without the unpleasant aftertaste. Try to make conventional coffee strong and it most likely will be undrinkable.
I have had a lot of requests lately for a “low acid” coffee. Many people have mild heartburn and have difficulty with higher acidity foods and beverages. Sadly, many think that they just can’t have coffee anymore. If you fall into this category, Sumatra and Bolivia are known for their low acidity. MUCH better for a tender tummy. Surprising to some, a few of the darker roasted (not burnt) coffees have less acidity (AND less caffeine)…but please remember that not all dark roasts are low acid. These coffees tend to be smooth and deep with a long finish. The Ethiopian coffees by contrast tend to have a higher acidity, almost grabbing your taste buds initially and having a clean dry aftertaste.(think of a lemon and how it feels at the back of your cheeks and jaw) Don’t forget to watch your cream/milk consumption though. Dairy can really bother your stomach, and many blame the coffee. Try a non dairy creamer like “Soy for coffee”.
Some notes on conventionals
Conventional coffee is grown using DDT, Benzene Hexachloride and Malathion to name a few. DDT for one was banned in Canada 30 years ago. Why would coffee countries use it? It’s cheap. Cheap coffee is grown as cheaply as possible… and you pay in the long run if you think that all coffee is the same. We also want to point out that just because you are paying a lot for a cup of coffee, doesn’t mean the coffee is worth it. Let your tastebuds decide. You should be able to drink coffee black. If the mere thought of it makes you shudder – perhaps you should shop around. That awful aftertaste in your coffee isn’t coffee. It’s chemicals. As for roasting… if your coffee smells burnt and looks burnt… it’s burnt! Dark roast coffee is not the same as burnt. Burning coffee is done on purpose to mask the taste of low quality coffee and chemicals. We understand that everyone is entitled to their own taste preferences, we will burn it if you ask us to – but really – it isn’t needed with organic coffee.
We have made suggestions as to where we like the coffees roasted to on our site. Of course you are welcome to order a specific roast if you wish.
Organic Practices
Organic practices, which promote the diversification of plants and trees, can also accomplish the following:
- Provide an ecological equilibrium;
- Reduce the incidence of plagues and disease;
- Fertilize the soil with harvest residuals;
- Generate additional income through the premium paid for certified organic products;
- Enrich family diets with fruit from shade-giving trees grown as part of organic farming;
- Generate additional income through the sale of this additional fruit harvest;
- Preserve the environment;
- Bird-Friendly.